Case Study: Adopting Self-Reliant Shipping Software

Protecting Customers with the Highest Quality Equipment
MCR Safety is a leader in the field of personal protective equipment. The company distinguishes itself as a manufacturer of safety equipment made from the highest quality materials to ensure maximum safety and comfort.
Misdirected Resources for Shipping Solution
Previously, the company relied on external consultants to maintain its shipping software which costed MCR Safety money and time. The lack of integration did not allow the company the scalability it needed to grow.
Becoming Self-Reliant with ShipERP
ShipERP provided MCR Safety with the flexibility and self-sufficiency to have more input into its product roadmap. With integration, the shipping solution allowed for information to be easily shared across business functions.
Download the case study to learn how MCR Safety:
- Saved $30,000 with ShipAVM
- Updated to a user-friendly interface
- Enabled integration and comparative analysis between carriers and services